Product Use Support_Prototyping

Why Clarion? Well, how about database and application prototyping? How many times has it been said, "I don't really know what's needed until it's created?"

For sure, too many times. And how many times have you spent a majority of an IT project's budget creating something that needed to be different. Too many times again, sadly.
Now, you know the real value of Clarion! With Clarion you can know what you need before embarking on the IT Application's actual implementation. How? Through architecture data modeling and and prototyping.

With Clarion as the prototyping tool, an IT application can be architected and designed only once. That result can be used to fully understand just what the implementation effort contains and requires regardless of whether that is done with Clarion or some other implementation Strategy. Now, that's real value.

With Clarion you can skip about 90% of all application development coding. You can focus your resources on Concept, Data Model, Function Model, Generate, Demonstrate, and Revision Cycles. Once complete, then and only then do a once-only full development with system testing, and deployment. Thereafter are only the periodic maintenance and evolution cycles.

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