So, years ago you purchased UTLX for $200 more than it's selling for in 2024 and 2025. Are you thinking that you paid too much?
Paid Too Much. When the 2024 price list was created the thought, "Dude, I paid too much might immediately come to mind."

Whitemarsh is after all a purchaser and user
of UltraTree since the middle 1990. So, we're not insensitive to price for over the last 25 years.

Maybe something should be done about that. Yes, WhitemarshUltraTree sort of agrees, and has set down a strategy that doesn't cost it cash. Rather, it focuses on extending your tangible value.


Here's what WhitemarshUltraTree agrees to do:

If you bought a single UltraTree LX licence for $599, notice that the step-up license for two to five user licenses is $798, how about trading up for just $199? Essentially you would be getting up to four more licenses for free. Sounds like a deal to me. How about you?

Or, if you really only wanted a single license, how about we give you an extra two years on your one-year free support contract.


Got a better idea? let us know and we'll see if we can agree.

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