The conversations with Phil Carroll over many years centered not just on BOMs, but on the many and varied uses of BOM Structures that were way outside traditional manufacturing.
Need UltraTree. Essentially there are three such uses: Multi-Table Hierarchies, Single Table Hierarchites, and 3-Table Network Recursions. The first is similar to Clarion's but has been greatly expanded. The second and third re Phil's addition to the data structures of Clarion.

Constructed below is a two-column table. The left column are just a few  key tests. A "yes" to any one means you can benefit from UltraTree.

The right side of this table contain the "names" of the various UltraTree Whitemarsh functional deployments through UltraTree Single File Recursions (SFR) and  UltraTree three-table Bill of Materials (BOM) data structures:

Does your database table names imply business entities that are inherently hierarchical?
●Do you have business entities at different locations?
●Do your business entities have different departments?
●Do you have multi-step processes for design?
●Do you have multi-step processes for programming and coding?
●Do you have multi-step processes for complex unit and system testing?
●Do you have large IT systems that involve multiple other IT systems?
●Do you have data rules that exist across multiple database tables?
●Do you have event calendars that are complex collections of other events?
●Do you have data elements that contain subordinate data elments?
●Do you work with organizations that need coordination among their resources?
Bills of Lading,
●Business Cycle Structures,
●Business Information Systems,
●Calendar Cycle Structures,
●Compound Data Element Structures,
●Data Element Classification Structures,
●Data Element Classifications Structures,
●Data Element Concept Structures,
●Data Integrity Rule Structures,
●Database Schema View Structures,
●Document Structures,
●Enterprise Mission Structures,
●Function Structures,
●Functional Area Structures,
●Invoice Structures,
●Organization Structures,
●Report Structures,
●Requirement Structures,
●Resource Life Cycle Node Structures,
●Use Case Structures,
●User Acceptance Test Step Structures, and
●Value Domain Structures.

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