The two data models missing from Clarion were SingleFileRecursion (SFR) and one based on Bill of Materials (BOM) which are hierarchically-oriented network data structure recursions. These DCT-based data models are created through standard Clarion processes for tables, columns, and relationships.
Note: Whitemarsh retains the name, Single File Recursions (SFR) even though Clarion has now changed the name, File, into Table, in keeping with current database nomenclatures.
Clarion already had a multitable relationship-based implementation that Phil recreated with extensions so that his Clarion-based data model offerings would be seen as complete.
Upon an end-user’s subscription of UltraTree, the main component of its installation, the UltraTree template files, are installed into Clarion’s Accessory directory, then Template, and finally the Win directories. The 35 template files (TPL and TPW) begin with the string, “ut,” such as “utdrag.tpl” or “UTABC.tpw.”
The total size of these 35 template files is 644 kb. These are copyrighted and proprietary. As such, they are now exclusively owned by Whitemarsh Information Systems Corporation under the name of WhitemarshUltraTree.
These templates and supporting materials and can be licensed for concurrent developer quantities of 1, 2-to-5, 6-to-15, and 16 or more licenses for concurrent use by Clarion developers within a single corporate entity.
This licensing has changed from when the UltraTree products were owned by Phil Carroll. Maintenance and Technical Support for the greater than a one user license is accomplished through a single licensee designated person.
There are two additional UltraTree companion products: HyperBrowze and UpAndUp. The HyperBrowze product expands Clarion's table-based display capabilities. The UpAndUp product expands Clarion's multi-table reporting capability.
All three of these products are desribed seperately within their own Product pages.
That said, the operations against the UltraTree data structures, that is row creation, update and deletion are accomplished through specialized UltraTree-Control-based templates that are uniquely designed for those purposes. There are also specialized operation extensions such as tag and drag.